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The 6 Main Types of Penetration Testing

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The 6 Main Types of Penetration Testing

To ensure the security of web and mobile applications, you need to check them before and after launch periodically. Penetration testing helps to detect vulnerabilities and fix them. The type of pen test depends on the target of the operation. Therefore, it affects penetration testing pricing. In today’s article, we will find out what types are the most popular and are the basic ones to run.

6 Basic Types of Penetration Testing

Not all tests check the same elements and the result itself depends on the amount of information. For example, some are aimed at testing an external or internal network. First, look at the most common types of penetration testing.

Application Penetration Testing

This penetration tester is aimed at finding almost any application vulnerabilities. The wireless protocols are tested first. The penetration test then checks for missing patches and holes in internal networks, external applications, and remote systems.

Unfortunately, ordinary testers may not be enough to identify severe problems in the software code. Regularly running the application penetration tests will help fix and eliminate any threat. Its elements are constantly being improved depending on the development of hacking methods.

Network Penetration Testing

The merit of this pen testing is that it can be initiated remotely. Since mobile and web applications have different external access points, they are the most vulnerable. Therefore, it determines any vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure by testing the router, server, firewall bypass, open ports, IPS / IDS bypass, etc.

The main task of the pen test is to identify all assets on the Internet which can be the target of a hacker attack. It also checks access to the system through external networks for unregistered users. Network tests are a mandatory base before starting any application.

Physical Penetration Testing

Physical tests help determine how quickly hackers can gain access to an object and how the system will react to it. It also estimates the time of hacking attempts. In addition, physical penetration testing simulates hacking through motion sensors, vendor impersonation, manipulation, and lock-picking.

In other words, the security team models each attack using physical locations. Attempts to physical access are made using social engineering, device theft, or persuading employees to let them into the work network. It will help identify security vulnerabilities and systems, and human factors. If the problem is in the last one, also run social engineering test.

Cloud Penetration Testing

Many private and corporate users use public cloud services to store their information. And this makes them a prime target for hackers. Cloud service authorities usually shift the responsibility for data security to the customers themselves. Therefore, you should check cloud security and reliability before using the services.

However, let your public cloud service providers know before initiating the test. Some permit testing with specific servers like Lamba, RDS, EC2, etc. There is also mandatory general Microsoft Cloud penetration testing for all Microsoft Azure customers.

Blind Penetration Testing

Experts carry out regular penetration tests without background information; only the system’s name is provided. The test simulates a situation where an attacker has already been able to penetrate the system. It also includes automatic verification of wireless networks.

This pen tester also has a subspecies – double-blind pen testing. It simulates the readiness of hackers to attack the company’s security system. It helps to check the speed of the response procedure to potential security threats and intrusions. In other words, the test performs the same functions as the first one but with additional imitation.

Pen Testing: White, Black, and Grey Boxes

Different types of penetration are often defined as white box, black box, or gray box penetration testing. White box penetration testing involves exchanging complete network and system data, including wireless network maps and credentials. White box testing helps simulate a targeted attack on a specific system with as many attack vectors as possible.

When penetrating the black box penetration testing, no information is provided. Instead, it follows the method of an unprivileged attacker, from initial access and execution to exploitation. A black box penetration test shows how an adversary can target an organization and destroy it without internal knowledge.

In grey box penetration testing, only limited information is provided to the tester. It strikes a balance between depth and efficiency. It can simulate insider threats or attacks that violate network perimeters.

So before making the final choice of a penetration test, determine the end goals of your test and schedule their frequency.